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作者:魔兽开服… 来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2023-1-8 8:09:34

  沉闷一天了,官方论坛终于有蓝帖了。这次的蓝帖可不是之前的相对无聊的闲聊了,这次的内容确切涉及到以后暗黑破坏神3游戏中的故事情节的设置!如果你是一个考究故事背后的故事和传奇的话,那恭喜你了征途2玩家心情分享国史记录之3龙…,,Bashiok说了[暗黑3]里面会有很多故事展现游戏背景。好了,以下为蓝帖时间。 How will lore be handled and presented in Diablo 3? What an open ended question... well, a lot of different way For one your character will be able to speak, and thats pretty huge actually for storytelling purpose Also we have the audio book system, that was shown off at BlizzCon in limited form (see next answer). Aside from that, all the usual stuff but in greater quantity. NPC speech, dialogue, events, bosses, quests, etc. etc. Theres a lot more going on. 这是个很开放的问题哦...嗯,通过很多方法来进行。第一,你的角色可以说话,这将很大程度上负责了讲述游戏故事的目的。另外,我们有;声音书籍;系统,这个某种程度上在BlizzCon中已经展现出来了(让我们看下个回答)。除此以外,还有大量的通常线索,例如说NPC说的话、与玩家的对话、情节事件烈焰开服一条龙服务、BOSS、任务等等。这些方面有很多的. Will there be individual items scattered around the game world that can be read or listened to for back story, or will it be in one consolidated location? 在游戏世界中,会不会有一些散落的或者在某些固定位置的可以让我们读或者听个别物体,让我们从而了解游戏的背景。 Yes there are books that drop somewhat randomly that when picked up can be listened to. I say somewhat randomly because they should make sense contextually. Leorics Journal should be dropping in the same dungeon where you fight his undead corpse, and not somewhere else that doesnt make sense. Theyre fully voice acted lore treasures essentially. Think Bioshock tape 对的,有些书会随机掉落,当你捡起他们的时候,你就可以听了。我所说的随机是指他们根据情节掉落的。例如说,骷髅王里奥瑞克的日记会在你杀死他不死身体的那个地牢里掉落,而不是在任何一个和这本日记没有关联的地方。这些书籍事实上是引导了故事的情节,是很珍贵的。可以参照考生化奇兵里面的录音. Considering Diablo 3 is a fast paced game, how much lore is the Blizzard team planning to put in? Will we get a detailed recounting of past events, or a surface recollection? 考虑到D3是一个快节奏的游戏,暴雪团队打算在游戏中设置多少个故事?我们会不会获得前作情节的详细回顾?或者说还是一个很表层的回忆? A lot. Well, as much as we can. But were making sure its all as opt in as possible. Meaning, if you dont care, if you want to skip quest dialogue, dont care whats going on, and want to just get to the killing, then thats possible. If you want to slow down and really explore the story, you can do that too. So were not forcing you to sit through anything. 很多。我们会尽可能地塞故事进去的。不过可以肯定我们将尽可能做到自愿参与;。详细点说奇迹Mu开服一条龙服务,如果你不在乎、如果你想跳过对话、不考虑故事将会怎么发生而只是享受杀怪,那么这样也是可以的。如果你想放慢脚步,并真正地探讨游戏的故事,那么也是可以的。所以我们不会强迫玩家去经历;任何事奇迹Mu开服一条龙服务。 12下一页 在本页浏览全文 提示:键盘也能翻页,试试"← →"键 关键词: 暗黑破坏神3 暗黑3 分享到: 上一篇: 《暗黑破坏神3》近期蓝贴情报汇总

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